Friday, June 22, 2018

West-y Boo is 7 Months!!!!

This boy!!! He is so dang sweet! And getting so big (so quick)!!! It has been amazing to see how he's changed our home. Brought a calm, sweetness to it, to his brothers. There aren't words to describe how much I love their brother relationship. I 

-He is still working on sitting up on his own without tipping over. Can't quite get the tripod sit down and the other way of no hands, takes him over! ha! But in the most darling way! We have nick named him the lazy little lush because he just doesn't want to sit. Same with crawling. He doesn't have a desire. We always say West's motto is why sit and crawl when I can have people do that stuff for me! hahaha! We love our lazy little lush! One day he will want to do all the things and be too busy for us but until then we will soak in all our time with him.
- West has the sunniest disposition and can be smiling all day, everyday! Well kind of, if West knows you, you will get all the smiles. If he doesn't know you, you will get a good amount of tears. 
-He does not like to feel left alone. Mom (especially mom), is not allowed to go in the other room for any reason or there will be big crocodile, super sad tears. 
-He struggles with sleeping. Oh boy does he! I thought his brothers were crappy sleepers but man oh man.....West takes the cake! He is still up 3ish times a night. Naps aren't too bad but the rest of his sleeping.....woof! But he did decide to drop his third nap. I'm not too sad about it because it's one less than thing to plan around, but the pain is trying to coordinate his nap with Benson's now. 
-He babbled his first word.....momma! But just like his bugger brothers he said it a couple of times and is now on the dadda dadda dadda train! So rude! 
-He is still nursing like a champ and hates solids. One day he will like solids and I will get a little teeny, tiny break from feeding this darling boy. 
-He loves being outside. He loves going on work. He loves sitting on the porch watching his brothers ride their bikes 
- He loves being in the water. Whether its a bath or a swimming pool, the kid could be in water all day. 
-He loves all the noises, especially when I fake fart or sneeze. He thinks it's so funny! 
(Benson "helping" with picture time! Ha!)

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