Friday, May 11, 2018

Weston at 6 Months

Stooooooooooooooopppppp!!! How is this sweet little love 6 months!??!!? It feels like yesterday we were surprised by the news of my pregnancy. And it also feels like he's always been a part of our family and was always meant to be! He is such a little love! So happy, so sweet, so full of light! Honestly, you would be hard pressed to find a sweeter baby or a more adored one! 

-He continues to be a "brothers boy" adoring his brothers the most with mom and dad in second. He thinks the sun rises and sets with them. And they mostly adore him. Jax is very sweet with him and Bens has almost come around. 
-He still adores bath time and could splash and play forever in the water. Definitely a little water baby! I love that when he's getting a bath, his brothers want to sit on the edge and entertain him, aka bug him! 
-He's getting to the point where he's rolling to find things and get to where he wants to go. He also gets very pleased with himself when he accomplishes his goal. Pretty dang cute!
-He's becoming a little more a fan of his binky. He likes to chew on it too. 
-He still loves the jumperoo and has just start using a walker. 
-He still hates solids and according to his pediatrician (Dr. Spencer), he is just fine breast feeding and he will eat solids when he is ready (especially since he has remained steady with his growth curve). 
-He is getting the hang of sitting, can sit for a few seconds on his own before tipping over. I love that he looks surprised every time it happens. He is the stinkin cutest! 
-He's still a rubbish sleeper! Ugh! He is now fully in his crib but still wakes up 2-3 times a night. One day he will sleep, so someday I can sleep again. He's by far our worst sleeper. He just wants to be with his people....all of the time! 
-This kiddos is pretty ticklish, with under his chin and his inner thighs being his big belly laugh place. He has the sweetest little giggle and best big belly laugh. 
-He has started to return kisses with big open mouthed much drool but still so cute! 

Weston's 6 month stats: 
Weight: 17 lbs 2oz (41st percentile) 
Height: 27.7 inches (89th percentile)
Head: 42.9cm (35th percentile)

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