Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Weston at 5 Months

Okay there is one big downside to being the third starts to suck at documenting your milestones and quirks around 5 sorry kid! Here's what I remember about this sweet little chubby cheeked handsome boy as he turns 5 months......
-He remains the sweetest, most darling boy. His colicky moments are few and far between now! Yay! We are just seeing more and more of this sweet boy and cannot get enough of him! 
-He has found the majority of his hand can fit in his mouth and has become our drooliest baby.....hands down! So much drool!
-He had his first St. Patrick's day and looked mighty adorable in the same green shirt his brothers wore on their first St. Patty's day too. 
-He giggles when he gets his diaper's pretty much the cutest thin ever!
-He is giving us longer stretches at night. And is sleeping a little more in his crib and less in our bed!!! Hoping to fully transition him over in the next week or so. While I am so happy to get him in his crib (because I'm not a huge fan of co sleeping), I know I will miss that munchkin and will be super stressed without him right next to me. 
-He still dislikes the car more than anything else in the world, and his brother Jax remains the carseat whisperer and pretty much the only thing that keeps him semi-calm when we drive anywhere. Let's just say, when Jax is not with us it's truly painful. 
-He's now rolling front to back, back to front like a little champ. But is still not a fan of tummy time. 
-He loves when we sing to him and loves to hold hands. 
-He still adores his brothers more than anyone else. And saves the biggest smiles, coos and giggles for them. 
-He has become a fan of the jumper. Loves being up, so he can see all the things going on. 
-He is not a fan of all! So we are still just nursing most of the time. Thankfully he is still our toothless man! 

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