Saturday, June 30, 2018

24th of July (Happy Pioneer Day)

I kind of love that our 24th of July looks a little different each year. Truly, we get together as extended family but nothing really is the same. Its kind of fun and different holiday that way. This year, we spent it at the Brooke and JD's. The kids played water guns, rode scooters, had popsicles (bc that's a tradition at pretty much any summer gathering!), played with a ton of glow sticks, did fireworks, ate way too much food, laughed too much and had a great time!!! It was such a wonderful day and we always feel blessed to spend it with family! 
Love when we finally get a cute family picture! 
Love this cute bunch!
And just so you know, this is what it takes to get one good picture......
Off for some water gun fun......
And what's any summer gathering without popsicles!!!!......
Onto the fireworks and glow sticks!!!......

Pioneer Days (24th of Julys) from the past....2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013