Sunday, January 31, 2016

Tiny Moment - Best Cuddler in Town

This squishy babes is the best cuddler. Cuddling naps are such a double edged sword. I know it's a horrible survival method on my part. It sets up such a bad habit. But at the same time, Benson will never be 2 months again. He will never be that snuggly newborn ever again and that makes me so sad. It makes me want to snuggle him every moment of every day. Him growing up is such a bitter sweet thing and I just want to cherish the small moments as much as I can. Honestly, Jon and I don't know if we will be able to have more kids. Both of our kids were miracle babies in their own right. We got pregnant Jaxson the first month of trying. With Bens we tried for almost two and half years. Expanding our family has never gone as plan, so at this point I'm just trying to soak it all in. 

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Tiny Moment - Another Day

Our days consist of a little bit of everything!!!! Here is a little peek.....
Loving on his MaDeb knitty blanket
Another kiddo in his MaDeb blanket...and this one does not want to get dressed. Naked for life....that's his motto these days! 
Napping with mom because he is a little stinker and doesn't really like to nap anywhere else. 
And we had visitors! One of our favorite things!!! Benson, Jaxson and myself love having visitors!!! :) 

Friday, January 29, 2016

30 Things: 10 Things I Would Tell 16 Year Old Me

(17 year old me)
1. Stop caring what others think about you! People who matter in your life will seek to understand you, not judge and put you down.  When people judge you it says far more about them than you. Worrying about their opinions and judgements aren't worth your time.
2. Remember everyone is fighting their own battle. No one's life is as perfect as it looks.
3. Befriend those you don't know. You will never regret brightening someone's day.
4. Focus on your academics (get a jump start on your higher education). Don't become complacent with doing "good", strive to be your version of great.
5. Remember boys are super silly and fickle at this age. No part of your self worth should ever be wrapped up in them.
6. Breath! Tomorrow will be better and new day!
7. Love yourself a little more. Stop analyzing everything about yourself. You are beautiful in your own right and your way. You don't need to look and act like everyone else.
8. Enjoy yourself! Have fun! Let people see the funny and fun side of you.
9. Take chances. Be a good kind of daring. You are only 16 once (but also don't be stupid!)
10. Document your adventures, feelings and thoughts. You will want to remember it all someday.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

30 Things (My Kids Should Know About Me)

Over the course of my adult life I have been constantly fascinated with stories my parents, grandparents, aunt and/or uncles, siblings, etc. I have loved hearing the stories that made them them. And I always wished I had asked more of the those who are gone and continually kick myself for not making the time to hear the stories of the ones that are still here. I thought it would fun to document some things for my kiddos to read in the future. I found this list, 30 things my kids should know about me, and it seemed a perfect way to encapsulate a few of my stories for them. Since our family blog is essentially our family history, I thought it would be the perfect place to capture it. 

First I will start with 20 random facts about me......
1. I hate to sleep with socks on, despite the fact that I have really cold feet. (like so cold I shove them under Dad's butt.....which he loves ;)) Papa (my dad) always told me feet need to breath. 
2. I am a realist. Dad likes to say I'm a pessimist....not true! I have hope but it's always grounded in the realm of reality. Like I tell your Dad, I keep it real! 
3. I love, love, love clean sheets. I love the smell, the feel, I love it all. 
4. I can't do a legit cartwheel.....the ones I can do are humorous at best. 
5. My nick name from age 2 on was Kisser because I was such a loving, affectionate little kid. Family members, immediate and extended, still call me it. Ask MaDeb what I am listed as under her phone. I personally love that it has lasted with age. It is a badge of loving honor and I love it. 
6. I like to pop zits....gross I know! I have always liked popping zits and going to school for esthetics aka skin care, didn't help the cause, just made it worse. 
7. Being creative is a huge part of who I am. It's my outlet, my oasis. It truly just let's me feel centered. 
8. Some nights I have wicked insomnia. It's hereditary so watch out! 
9. I'm incredibly steadfast, aka head strong. It is and has been both a blessing and curse in my life. 
10. I value family above almost all else (save the Gospel, which values family as well). They are my best friends, my confidants, my secret keepers, my laughter, my love.
11. I have a pretty solid OCD streak. I've let up some since having children but it's still pretty strong. In my mind, everything has a place (& I have usually created a space for it! Love me some organization) 
12. I'm extremely ticklish. And because of this, I HATE having my feet touched. I accidentally kicked someone once who was giving me a pedicure. 
13. I am a country girl at heart. I feel at peace in wide open spaces and quiet living. It truly soothes my soul. How I married a city boy I'll never know ;) 
14. I have had stitches 4 times in my life (not counting "pushing out babies" stitches) but no broken bones (knock on wood!)
15. I played basketball and volleyball in junior high. I wasn't particularly awesome or terrible. I got super intimidated when I moved to the city my 9th grade year and stopped playing. 
16. I had the nick name of runaway bribe, just ask Dad about it. 
17. I couldn't whistle till I was like 10 or something crazy! I'm still not the best whistler I am not going to lie! 
18. I am NOT, repeat not, a morning all! I hit my go-go stride at night. 
19. I was voted prettiest eyes in high school. I attribute that to how I did my make up because the dude that won had aqua blue eyes. Thankfully our year book hall of fame photo was in black and white. Ha! ;) 
20. I love classical music. I swear I can feel the beauty and emotion in every note. 

Tiny Moment - Sticker Boy

Recently we have been working with Jaxson on writing his name. When he writes it he gets to put a sticker by it, which he loves. He loves to pick out the sticker and wants a million. After we had practice time, this happened......
That's my boy!!!

Monday, January 25, 2016

Tiny Moment - Who's Binky?

So with there being a 4 year age gap between Jaxson and Benson I didn't expect a lot of reverting from Jaxson. Recently he has been stealing Benson's binky and saying he wants to be a baby again. When I tell him we will have to put him the crib, wear diapers all the time and eat mussy food....he quickly changes his mind and gives the binky back to his brother. :) Glad we nipped that in the butt!!!! 

Tiny Moment - I Get Shots and You Get the Dirties

Someone went in for his 2 month appointment. Can't even believe this sweet boy is already two months! According to his measurements, we have another long, skinny one. I think the weight he does have, he carries in his cheeks! :) He also got shots and he SCREAMED! Poor baby boy. 
Later in the day he gave mom some dirty looks. Pretty sure he was telling me how he felt about his shots. ;) 

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Tiny Moment - DaHandsome Boy

Benson at 2 Months Old

The second month of Benson's life had some great firsts. His first Christmas, New Years Eve and New Years day. He has been packing in a lot of major holidays his first couple of months on earth and I thoroughly believe he is loving it all. For us (Jon, Jax and I), the holidays have always been pretty amazing. It was hard to imagine they could get any better. But Benson has added such an amazing spirit in our home, the holidays did get even more amazing. This month we have also seen a little of Benson's personality come out and have been loving it. He is also quite a bit happier since being put on acid reflux meds around six weeks. He really does have the sweetest disposition and we are soaking in all of smiles, coos and cuddles. Here is a little more of what he has been up to......

Little dude is still figuring the whole sleep thing out. He went from sleeping in bed with mom all night, to sleeping in a bouncer on the bed and now mostly sleeps in the rock and play next to my bed. He does usually spend his last stretch of night sleep with his momma in bed. He knows how to work it, grunt loud enough around 5am and mom will pull me in bed with her. Yup my 2 month old has my number!!!!

Benson is extremely wiggly, just little his brother. He usually knocks himself in the head a thousand times a day. He can also get out of any swaddle, a little Houdini baby. 

His smiles are pretty dang amazing and make our world go round. He is the smiliest in the morning and night and has even started throwing in some coos, which are absolutely the best. His dimples don't hurt either. Sometimes Bens and I chill and talk and talk. I love talking with his little boy. But I'm not going to lie his first responsive smile goes to MaDeb, then Aunt Shaun, then Dad and finally Mom. 

He has started to like baths. His hate of being of cold has gotten so much better and usually only lets out small whimpers with the exception of the lotion and me taking too long to get his towel on. Oh how our little mister hates lotion and screams during it!!! 

Bens has started to like the floor gym and usually stares at the butterflies. However he doesn't like to be alone, even in the floor gym. He loves to be held, talked to and really just likes to have someone there. He has started to cry if we leave his eye sight. Like I said, he loves his peeps (especially mom and Jaxson). He also still hates and I mean hates his car seat and the car. The car is a little painful for all of us these days. If he is anything like his brother it will only get better when he is flipped around. Woof! 

His cheeks are getting amazingly chubby, as are his thighs!!! I love chunkiness!!!!

Benson and Jaxson have an amazing connection and it's too sweet to witness. Jax can calm Benson down sometimes before I do. He just pats him lightly on his chest and talks to him in the sweetest voice. Benson will stare at him and almost instantly calm down. Gotta love brothers :). 

He is still quite the gassy baby and poops sound like an explosion nine times out of ten. 

Naps are still pretty rough in our house. He always wants to be held but is still restless. We have started to encourage him to nap on his own but it ROUGH!!!! 

He still thinks the bouncer is okay and will even be pretty content during his awake time in long as he can see his people in the same room. He really is sweet little crack up. 

One last thing, he is still all about his tongue and loves when other people stick out theirs in response. Like I said he is our little crack up. And as tired as we might be, he is worth it a million times over and we are completely smitten with him :). 

Benson @ 1 Month
Jaxson @ 2 Months

Update: January 25, 2016....
Benson has his 2 month check up with Dr. Spencer. He is now 11 pounds 8 ounces (28%), 24 inches long (88%) & his head is 39 (43%). We make them long and skinny! :) He is definitely rocking a bigger noggin than his brother, possibly even a Barrett noggin and I love it.  He was a champ for his shots and by champ I mean he screamed bloody murder. I don't blame him, shots suck!!! Thank goodness for infant Tylenol, momma cuddles and caffeine for mom. :)