Friday, January 29, 2016

30 Things: 10 Things I Would Tell 16 Year Old Me

(17 year old me)
1. Stop caring what others think about you! People who matter in your life will seek to understand you, not judge and put you down.  When people judge you it says far more about them than you. Worrying about their opinions and judgements aren't worth your time.
2. Remember everyone is fighting their own battle. No one's life is as perfect as it looks.
3. Befriend those you don't know. You will never regret brightening someone's day.
4. Focus on your academics (get a jump start on your higher education). Don't become complacent with doing "good", strive to be your version of great.
5. Remember boys are super silly and fickle at this age. No part of your self worth should ever be wrapped up in them.
6. Breath! Tomorrow will be better and new day!
7. Love yourself a little more. Stop analyzing everything about yourself. You are beautiful in your own right and your way. You don't need to look and act like everyone else.
8. Enjoy yourself! Have fun! Let people see the funny and fun side of you.
9. Take chances. Be a good kind of daring. You are only 16 once (but also don't be stupid!)
10. Document your adventures, feelings and thoughts. You will want to remember it all someday.

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