Friday, November 30, 2012

Lights @ Riverwoods 2012

I love the lights at Riverwoods! Don't get me wrong it's so fun to go Temple Square in Salt Lake but the lights at Riverwoods are pretty amazing too (and it's a lot LESS CROWDED!). I love that we can go to Temple Square for the spiritual aspect and Riverwoods for more the fun aspect, i.e. Santa. And even though the rain from a sprinkle to a down pour it was still a pretty awesome night. We walked around (Jax ran, stumbled and tripped on the cobble stone -but still loved it), Jax danced to the carolers singing in the pavilion  and then we saw Santa......Call me a mean mom but I got the picture I wanted.....a crying Jax! Ha! I am the meanest mom but I think the crying Santa pic is the cutest thing ever!!! After Santa we hit up the super cute toy store and then our little family headed out while the rest of our fun group waited for "slay ride". At that point it was raining pretty hard and we decided to get a babes in from the rain. All and all it was such a fun night!!!! 

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Lucky Lady

Before you have kids everyone says it's amazing but so incredibly hard. In your mind, you think yeah sure that makes sense. But for me I couldn't fathom how hard or how wonderful being a parent truly would be until I had my own special monkey. There are days where I literally want to pull every hair out of my head but then there are nights like tonight where he is so incredibly cute and I am reminded that I won the baby jack pot. Jax is my best little buddy and I truly adore being his mom.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Sometimes I am Just Like Mommy

I hear so much that Jaxson looks like Jon, acts like Jon, basically that he is mini Jon, which I actually do love. I have an amazing and handsome husband so what's not to love. But every once in a while, Jax does something that is so his momma and I can't help but feel my heart smile a little bigger. When I was little I had an orange wagon. And with that little orange wagon I would roam around and collect "treasures". My family stills talks and teases me about this :). The other day I caught Jax loading up his "Clomps" with "treasures" and taking them for a ride. I love this boy too much :)!!!

Friday, November 23, 2012

Decorating for Christmas

Here is a look at our traditional day after Thanksgiving Christmas decorating. I am a stickler when it comes to all things Christmas before holiday at time! :) This is such a fun night, it's super cozy and relaxing night. We always have yummy hot chocolate and put on a Christmas movie (Arthur Christmas this year, super cute!) and "we" decorate. When I say "we", I mean me! Haha, Jon would help but he knows I will just go back and redecorate it. He is very sweet and knows that decorating is a passion of mine. So he just let's me do my thing, while he and Jax play and watch the movie. The decorating didn't get very far before we all crashed and just watched the movie. Love my little family. 
This is the end result (mainly done during Jaxson's naps!):