Saturday, June 27, 2015

J2B2: Shizz Is Getting Real

What the?!!?! I need these items already!?!?! Yup shizz is getting real around our house! Making baby Conley #2!!! !:) 

Friday, June 26, 2015

Tiny Moment - Lovey Boy

Today I told Jax, "I love you bubba" and he said, "I love dadda". Little stinker!!! Then he said "I love you momma". 

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Lindon Pool

Such a fun afternoon with my favorite guys :) 

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Tiny Moment - Another Summer Day, Equals Another Pool Day :)

Today the kiddos were all about chicken fights. It was pretty entertaining to watch! 
Wore this little guy out.....

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

2 Days With Some of Our Favs!

We had two days packed of fun, while Shauna headed to a conference. We had a lot of water balloons fights......
Which usually turned into water bucket wars......
And sprinkler tricks.......
We definitely had some wind down time when Jax needed a nap..... A little popcorn and movie time.....
We had face painting. Barrett painted Xander and vice versa. Jacq painted Lola. Lola painted me and Jax painted Jacq......
And then we decided to paint on paper.....
Then there was some goo making.....
And then it was activity hopscotch time. Pick a number out of the bowl. Do a little hop and get an activity to do.......
(Get painted by Jax) 
(Hopscotch in action)
(Stand in a bucket of ice water) 
(Put your hand in the mystery cup) 
(More mystery cup fun) 
(Bucket of water on your head)
(Mystery cup) 
(Run back and forth in the sprinklers 10 times)
Jax even got in on some of the fun! 
(A little more body painting) 
And oh wait, another water balloon fight after activity hopscotch..........
We loved having the Watson kiddos for a few days (minue Maxer who laid low at Auntie's)!!! We always have a mountain of adventure and more fun than words.