We also took him to the doctor for his 2 month check up and he is 75% percentile for height (23.5 inches), 50% percentile for weight (11 pounds 9 ounces) and 25% percentile for head (39.1 cm). We also found out that Jax more than likely has acid reflux and was put on a compound medication which he hates unless mixed in with breast milk. We have seen some what of an improvement during awake time and night time but not during nap time. His pediatrician says he is doing great and right on target with his growth.In addition to his check up he got his first set of shots....HATE SHOTS! They were the saddest thing because the poor little guy whaled through them. He was pretty grumpy for the rest of the day and the next day. Thank goodness for baby Tylenol. I was thinking he wouldn't need it but he definitely did. All and all he is doing great! :)
Jaxson @ 1 Month
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