Thursday, December 24, 2015

Benson is 1 Month Old!!!

Oh goodness this month has been a whirlwind and was gone in a blink of an eye! We have gotten less sleep than ever before (bye bye day naps.....4 year olds are not a fan of their mom sleeping) but have experienced more joy than ever imaginable. We've had Benson's first Thanksgiving (day after going home from the hospital), first Christmas Eve and first cold. Jon and Jax were sick within days of bringing Benson. Which meant a stress feast for me, lots of sanitizer in every form and a mini quarantine in the master bedroom. Thankfully we made it through with only slight sleep deprivation, little colds and lots of memories and love. Here is a little bit about Benson's first month.....

He has decided cribs are not his jam. He prefers to sleep with his momma. The first night home, I experienced the face that he very much dislikes any type of crib. So for the first time, I did co-sleeping. Oh how I don't like to co-sleep. Seriously how do parents sleep doing that. I have a major fear of rolling onto my babies. But for the sake of getting a couple hours of sleep, Benson is a little co-sleeper for now. We recently purchased a rock and play and are finally experiencing short bursts  of baby free time.

Benson might also be the hardest little newborn to wake up when he doesn't want to be. We've constantly stripped him down to the diaper and he's like whatever. Baby wipes work but send him through the roof as they are cold. Bens hate, hate, hates to be cold. Bens hates to be cold. Like more thank anything hates to be cold. So that includes having his clothes changed, diaper changed, having a bath, etc. There has definitely been a lot of crying at our house!

He loves to cuddle and be with people. It doesn't hurt that he is completely doted on by any and all.  I know they say you can't spoil a baby but this kiddo might prove them all wrong because the attention he gets is crazy! He might have a little cousin and brother fan club not to mention his aunties, uncles, grandparents and mom and dad.

Nursing has been a little bit of a struggle. Bens was a lazy and bad latcher but has since gotten better and only struggles occasionally. At his two week appointment he was already at 8 pounds 2 ounces.

Benson had his days and nights mixed up for about a full month. Which about put his momma in the looney bin!!! ;) Thankfully his little body got it sorted out and we have not been up for hours on end at night these days.

He still has his blonde hair, which definitely has a strawberry blonde tone is some lights. It will be interesting to see what color it ends up being. Also his eyes are still looking dark blue but if I learned anything from Jax's eye color change at almost 2 years old (very blue to green), don't get attached to the color of eyes they have ;).

Bens thinks his neck is super strong and has constantly been lifting it since birth. He also seems to be quite inquisitive, always studying those around him. He has the sweetest little face when he is giving someone or something a stare down. He also pulls a mean zoolander face which is pretty awesome.

He likes his bouncer.....sometimes but not to sleep in. He is not a huge fan of the swing but doesn't hate it either. Really his favorite place is in someone's arms. ;) Or in the crook of my neck which is his favorite napping place.

We are pretty sure he suffers from either gas, colic or reflux as his crying and discomfort are being constant. He is also a big grunter like his brother and usually grunts himself into hiccups which makes him cry. Hopefully time will help us sort it out and help him out with some remedies.

He is not a fan of his binky and only takes it on occasion and briefly. He does like to suck on his two middle fingers which is pretty dang cute.

Words cannot express how grateful we are for this cute little boy. We are exhausted beyond measure but the level of exhaustion fails to compare with the additional love and joy we have experienced in our home since Benson's birth.

Here is our cute little mister in all his one month glory! :).......
Jaxson @ 1 Month

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