Thursday, January 11, 2018

West at 2 Months

The time really does fly, doesn't it?!?! This sweet little nugget turned 2 months today. He is our perfect third musketeer (only one of the other two have figured out he's not going anywhere and that they are forever friends). For Jon and I, it already feels like he was always a part of our family. This month was a great on for our little man. He got to experience his first Grinch night, Polar Express Night, Temple Square Night, Gingerbread party, 2 driving light shows, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Years Eve and so much more.

Here's a little bit more about our boy......
-He is such an independent little soul and thinks standing is the best! Sometimes he is so determined that it's hard to get him to sit.....straight as a board hard to sit. But usually a little body wiggle around his hip area does the trick and he sits. It's quite amusing! 
-He started responsive smiling this month which is just basically best thing since sliced bread ;)!!! And yes my mom got the first responsive smile again this time (she got Benson's as well) and I got the second smile. (my babies love her and she works for it!). We act like a bunch of monkeys trying to get him to smile because it's a like sunshine when he does. He emanates joy! 
-He continues to hate being swaddled but is sleeping a little more on his own, well kind of. He's sleeping right next to me versus right on top of my chest. But heck it's some progress. Naps he's mostly held but I'm pretty okay with it as I know the stage is fleeting. 
-He is still not a fan of the swing, bouncer, porta-crib, floor gym or sling. Pretty much just mommy's arms or the body carrier. 
-To my great relief he's finally putting weight on his skinny, little body. So the every two hour feedings paid off and I can go back to every three hours! Hallelujah! His little cheeks are starting to fill out and he couldn't be cuter! 
-He is starting to recognize when I leave the room and is not a fan of it. He loves being by people, especially his momma. 
-He has acid reflux like his brothers but is doing better on the meds. He is gassy as well with some explosive poops. 
-This sweet little nugget loves a tub. Unfortunately for him, he's baby number three so his bath times are a little more sporadic. But he loves a soak and warm water. 
-And the main thing I want to remember is what a sweet, tender little boy he is right now. He truly has the sweetest disposition (even if he hates being put down) and I kind of adore that about him.  
Also West had his 2 month check up......
Weight: 12 lbs 1.5 oz. (43rd percentile)
Height: 24.8 inches (98th percentile)
Head: 38.9cm (40th percentile)

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