Tuesday, March 20, 2012

5 Months Old!!!!

*(If you decide to read, be prepared for a novel...I am sure the posts/journal enteries will get longer and longer each month. So much going on in little mister's world. Feel free to skip to the pics :))

To say my baby is growing up way too fast is an understatement. The last 5 months have flown and I know it will only get progressively faster. :( So as challenging as some of Jaxson's quirks/stages might be I am truly trying to enjoy every moment(some days it's easier to do so than others!!!).
Let me tell you about our little guy. First let me say my most favorite thing in the morning, if I can muster the energy before Jon does, is getting the little monster out of bed! He does a frog leg kick with coordinating arm movements because he is so excited you are there. It is usually accompanied by a screech of elation and a big "I love you momma" smile. I also love that after I get him out of his crib we lay in bed until his acid reflux meds kick in. His favorite thing to do, watch videos of himself on my phone. I know it's probably a bad habit to start but his expressions are so dang cute. He loves watching "that baby" and listening to mom's voice. He also likes watching "that baby" in the mirror.

So more on little guy.....He has started to really like music. His favorite songs are *Baby Mine, *Popcorn Popping, 4 Little Ducks and Sunbeams, the first two being his go to songs. If little mister is having a melt down, I just bust out a rendition of Popcorn Popping and he'll give me a smile and cheer right up. He loves to "play" Itsy Bitsy Spider and Patty Cake. His belly laughs are to die for. Jon can usually get him crazy laughing when nuzzles his beard into Jax's neck crepe. It's pretty hilarious and adorable at the same time.
Our little monkey monster is becoming so mobile in his own little way. He now rolls over both ways and finds great pleasure in it. I love watching his face transform from complete determination to elation in a matter of seconds. The rolling for me is bittersweet. I love it because it makes him so happy and it's a huge milestone for his little world. However, he has started to roll in his sleep, which wakes him up and then he cries because he is too tired to roll back onto his tummy and has lost his binky (He still loves him some binky). He also tries to roll when I am changing his diaper, putting on his clothes, lotion, or pretty much anything else! He does the reach and roll over and over again and usually gets where ever he wants to go, which right now is to the blue bin with his baby stuff in it or the cable box. (yes I know the baby proofing is coming soon!!!). I am sure most of his upcoming milestones will be bittersweet. :)
Jax also started solids a couple of weeks before he hit 5 months. I went back and forth in my mind about waiting till 6 months but I figure I would try and see where he was at. He's the type of kid to let me know if he's not ready for something, let's just say he's not shy ;). Turns out the monkey loves him solids! So far he has had rice cereal and avocado. It took him a day or two to like rice cereal and two or three days to LOVE avocados. I think sitting in his special Jax chair (his high chair) is his favorite part. He loves to slam his hands down on the tray and gets the cutest smirk after he does it! He might be a little mischievous. He also knows when it's time to get out of the high chair and as soon as you remove the tray, he starts tap on the buckle...I love that :).
He still has his usual obsessions including tubby time. He would spend the whole day in the bath if I'd let him. He loves to suck on wet rags and eat bath letters. He also found a lot of happiness and smiles in watching and feeling, water filtered down through a whale shaped strainer. I usually place it over his hands and tummy. He gets the biggest, cutest smile on his face....I am seriously smiling just thinking about, that's how cute it is.
I honestly could go on and on about this boy. He has turned our lives upside down but we wouldn't have it any other way!

4 Months 3 Months2 Months & 1 Month

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