Sunday, May 8, 2016

Mothers Day

Where to begin?!!? First Happy Mother's Day to all the ladies out there. I love that there is no wrong way to be a mother. Whether you have biological children, adopted children, or no children just an adoring, nurturing heart for children. What an amazing gift and challenge we have been given as women. I heard a quote the other day and I loved it, "She who rocks the cradle, rules the world". There is so much to be said about the role mother's and the effect it has on their children. I feel like that role of mother is being challenged by the outside world daily and I am so grateful I have a chance to stare down the critics and raise my kiddos to the best of my abilities; to be their best self and impact the world the way only they can. So cheers to all the mommas out there, doing their best to raise good people. 

As for my kiddos, oh how my heart just bursts with love for these two! They are everything! I feel like they are pieces of my heart and soul walking around this earth. They truly makes me feel all the feels! Over the past 4 Mother's Days my emotions have been a bit all over the map. Embracing motherhood, being overwhelmed and confused by it, sad about not being able to expand it, loving it, etc. These days our house is crazier and functioning on less sleep than ever. My boys challenge me (intentionally and unintentionally) everyday. They encourage me to be more loving, compassionate, patient, fun, crazy, encouraging, steadfast, etc. I'm grateful for their patience and forgiveness because on my best day they probably deserve more than I can give. They have the sweetest hearts and souls and I adore them even when they are little bumheads! How blessed I am that they are mine forever and I am theirs. 
(Breakfast and MD & birthday presents from my boys :)) 
*(The last two pictures really depict motherhood in my world on the regular! ;)) 

This is my momma-cita! And she is one of the greats. I've said it before and I'll say it again and forever, she is the light in our family. She emanates light and nurturing. She is constantly holding and loving on a baby, or has a kiddo at her feet or talking with her grown children. She shows true concern constantly and love always. She, to this day, encourages her children to be their best self and will fight for them. She is one of my best friends and I'm grateful I am in a forever family with her! :) 

Mother's Days from the past......2015, 2014, 2013, 2012

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