Sunday, June 15, 2014

Dadda Day!

Happy Dadda day to all our favorite guys!!!! :) So grateful for the amazing guys in my life. I am especially grateful for my hubby, and the amazing dad he is Jax. He is kind, playful, silly, loving, sweet, patient, selfless and so much more. I am also grateful for the example he is to Jax and look forward to the man bubs will become because of it. Here is a little preview of our Dadda day! 
Traditional homemade Kneaders french toast for breakfast in bed (& yes I used a cookie sheet as a tray ;))....And of course, Jax helped himself to the strawberries. That kid! :)  
We definitely had a crazy morning. I told Jax he could have a bubble bath with lots and lots of bubbles. And who knows if it was the bubbles (or eating the bubbles) or something else but he broke out in a rash/hives from head to toe and they were swelling like crazy. And of course for the first time I was out of Benadryl AND Allegra. So we all hoped in the car and headed to Walmart. After he got a good dose of meds (we opted for Allegra so we could make it to church), he was right as rain! And our dadda day adventure continued. We headed to church and then it was home for naps and a BBQ dinner, topped off with Jon's fav Tres Leches cake. 
I always like to get a picture of Jax and Jon in the church clothes on Father's day. However, because of the craziness of the morning and the exhaustion post church it didn't happen this year ;(. And I may have remembered that I didn't have a picture of my two guys about 5 minutes after Jax went to bed. So I might have grabbed him for a mini photo session. :) Yup I am that mom sometimes. 

I'm also grateful for my own Dad. I am grateful for the contributions he has made in my life. He always strived to teach me to be a hard worker, be responsible and accountable and be respectful. He also encouraged me to question to find out who I am and where I fit in this world and in the scope of the gospel. My Dad and I are actually a lot a like, which caused much head butting back in the day but I wouldn't change who I have become through it. Happy Father's day to all the amazing guys in this world that strive to leave a positive impact on all those that surround them. 

Father's Day from the past......2013, 2012

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