Friday, June 20, 2014

Sometimes I Just Want To Give Up

Did you know moms are given a super power when their children are born? It is the power of never giving up. Of fighting for your children when you literally have nothing left to give, when your tank feels empty. It is an amazing super power. It gives a sleep deprived mom the strength to get up for that last feeding of the night. Or sooth their teething baby for the millionth hour of the never ending day. It allows us to kiss every boo-boo even when they are invisible. To nurse their kiddos back to health when all they want is their own mom and to puke in peace. Like I said its a pretty amazing super power. This past month I have had to dig deep in my mommy super power because I so want to be done. I want to be done trying to have a second baby. I want to be done worrying, crying, tormenting myself over and over again, month after month. I want to stop stressing about the things I can't change or control. I want to be DONE. Unfortunately I know as a mom, that's not an option. I know that I have to keep fighting for my boy to have a sibling. I have to keep fighting for my future child (/children). So while I feel empty in my heart and body feels beaten down, I know my mommy superhero power will keep up the fight.....

For this little face.....
And more of these little moments.......

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