Saturday, October 20, 2018

Jax's 7th Time Around the Sun! HBD!

Our sweet, wonderful first born bubs turned 7 today! I can hardly believe it! The last seven years with this kid have flown. It has been a lot of adventures, fun, happiness, worries, tears, growth, and so much more! I'm grateful Jax is our guinea pig for parenting. He is such a forgiving soul! Ha! He is also the sweetest kid and so incredibly kind and happy. He is a quick course corrector when we guide him but also has a determination in certain things. He loves to create and sometimes gets caught up in his own world but it's so cute it makes it hard to pull him out. He still loves to build and create with his Legos and pretty much anything else he can get his hands on. He will create a whole city and infrastructure and have plans to expand. He decided he was done with soccer this year has recently started playing basketball and is really enjoying it. He is an awesome big brother (don't get me wrong he still fights with Benson but he is also so good to play and have fun with him and he is so sweet to West). He is still a dad's boy but is the sweetest momma's boy on the side. He is still the king of wanting to be tucked in and loved on. He thrives off of those connections. His twin cousins (Barrett & Xander) and Lola are some of his favorite people in this world (& eternally grateful for the friendships, examples and relationships the four of them have). He has been working so hard in school, even though traditional school has presented some challenges. He loves to explore and have fun in all things. He is improving on his reading and math but loves recess most of all! We are so proud of who Jax is and who he is striving to be. We could not be more blessed to have him in our family and to be our first born! Love you bud! 
Jax's 6th, 5th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st birthdays and birth

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