Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Can You Put a 9 Month Old In Time Out For Growing Up?!?!?

Oh how I adore my sweet and sour boy. He really is the sweetest, happiest baby.....until he's not and then he goes off like a bomb! His red hair is not only showing more in a physical sense but also in a personality sense. We like to say he is a little temperamental but still oh such a lovie. He is getting more curious by the day and is finding his own way of getting around (rolling, standing, reaching from a sit). He loves his people but adores Jax above all. He is still a big dadda's  boy but freaks out if mom is ever gone. Our little chunk mister is adored and loved in every way! :) Here is a little more about one of our favorite boys.......

He still takes two naps a day (thank goodness) and is getting more regular with his timing (KNOCK ON WOOD!). He likes to sleep with his binky and a light swaddle blanket every time. Sometimes he wiggles his way to his lovies and attacks them in his crib. We are still a big fan of white noise in our house in addition to the bathroom fan ;). 

His excited face is probably my favorite thing! He does a whole face smile and bounces.....yes's AMAZING! 

He still gives the best open mouth kisses every time he gets up from a nap or in the morning. He kind of leans for who he wants but more does a freak out happy dance when he wants to go to. 

He is definitely jibber jabbering more these days. We've gotten out a momma and dadda and a lot of baba and lots and lots of sweet little "o's" and little gaspy talk. Honestly the "o's" are my favorite. He says them so sweetly and softly. I will say it is up for debate whether he said dadda and momma first....I think we are going to call it a tie but it might be dadda ;). 

His love for puffies is alive and well and crazy intense. He does a happy dance when you shake the container and hold some out on the palm of your hand. He yells for more when he is out and is mad when you either run out and/or tell him he's done eating them. He is also definitely a fan of big people food which we give to him in little bites on the regular. He tolerates purees. He still prefers vegetables and fights on most fruits with apple blackberry being his favorite. And if you want to be his best friend for life give him a Veggie Straw. He would live off of those if I let him! 

He is still the world's WORST sleeper! Like Jax was an opening act and I was sure Jax was the worse sleeper because he was bad, just not nearly as bad as his brother. Bens will have like a two day stretch where he sleeps well, well sleeps for him (usually down at 7pm, up at 11pm to feed and then 4am to feed). But most nights are killer with 3-4 wake ups. We have tried progressive cry it out (which seemed to make him more upset because he wanted us to pick him up), straight cry it out (his record is 3.5 hours of crying) and we even attempted a Benadryl reset (judge away but if you got 3-4 hours of sleep for 9 months, you would get pretty desperate too! ;)). Unfortunately no method has proven effective with our monster so we will keep chugging along and maybe we will buy Jon some noise cancelling head phone because the crying makes him GRUMPY!!!! :) Thankfully on days Jon closes at work he grabs the kiddos in the morning until Benson bawks to nurse. So I usual nab an extra hour or two of sleep if I'm lucky :).

Thankfully Benson still doesn't have any teeth and his swollen gums come and go. I'm all about him being the toothless wonder until he's 1 year old! He still loves to gnaw on anything and everything.

He hates getting his face and hands cleaned.....I get big screams and cries on that one! He definitely is not a fan of being cold. But he enjoys getting lotioned after bath time most of the time. 

He is getting to be a clapping pro and especially likes when mom does her rap with clapping (it's so completely and utterly nerdy but my boy loves it so what do you do!). 

He used to do "how big is Benson" but has since boycotted it. Ugh :( We will keep working on it. Sometimes he likes to pull the one hit wonder and doesn't like to repeat is.....same thing with waving. He stopped doing that too :(. 

He still love, love, loves music. He loves to listen Jon's guitar playing and enjoys dancing, especially if Jax is dancing near him. 

He is the most restless, squeeze ball, slapping nurser ever! If he's not sitting up 10 times on each side (he suffers from FOMO (Fear of Missing Out), squeezing and slapping my boobs as he's nursing, it's not a day in the life of Mr. Benson Timothy Conley! And the little dude still nurses like 6 times a day! 

He wants to be mobile and crawl so badly! He's gone from putting his head down and crying almost immediately to attempting to push off his toes and chill on tummy for a little while and rolling over and over again. I still think he will go straight to walking but I could be wrong. He is becoming a fan of standing and prefers it almost to sitting if he's being held. I love his knee rolls when he stands......they are amazing!!!!! His sitting abilities are amazing and he loves seeing the world from different perspectives. Sometimes he is just super happy when you lay him down on his back and let him roll around and play with toys. 

He loves to face out when being held. He loves seeing what's going on. He usually wants the person not holding but near him to hold him and then as soon as he gets to them he wants the person who was just holding him.....hahahaha.....he kills me! And if he's not trying to go to another person then he wants to get down and go! I keep asking him, "Bud, when you get down where are you going to don't crawl yet mister!" 

He thinks getting dressed and undressed is super funny and I can't quite figure out why! :) 

He loves the bath and the pool, but definitely prefers the bath. He is now in just the tub.....bye bye baby tub!!!! Yay!!!!!! He is a huge splasher and loves to play with just a few toys and especially loves the feel of the water from the strainer. 

He has discovered spitting and motor boating but didn't really cling to doing either of them......thank goodness! 

We tried a straw cup because I swear he is constantly constipated. He is not a huge fan but will scream if you take it away during one of his frustrated screaming fits. haha ;) Heaven help me! 

He is now officially going through separation anxiety. He hates when I leave the room or if he can't see me. He is not a fan of anyone talking to him if myself or Jon are not holding him (there are some and anyone that takes the time for him to warm up to them). I'm hoping it passes quickly. I love my happy, social boy. 

His hair is definitely red and I just adore it. His eyes have maintained their blue color and my fingers remain crossed on that. He remains very fair skinned because I'm afraid of taking him outside with a hat, full clothed and sun screened. His rolls are pretty amazing at this point and I'm excited to see where he falls on the growth curve (had to reschedule his appointment, he will be almost 10 months when he goes in). 

He love, love, loves books. He has favorites and we usually read those everyday, (I Love You Through and Through, Ten Tiny Toes & I Love You As Big As the World. 

Bens has a pretty epic fake cry sounds so REAL! But if you give what he wants (which is usually food or to be picked up) he stops immediately, like on a dime stops and then smiles.....what the?!?!?! 

He still loves peeka-boo and anything that sounds like a song. He thinks animal noises are the funniest, especially when Jax does them. Well really anything is better or funnier when Jax does it! He absolutely adores his brother. 

He is busy, busy, busy at church. Well busy in his own way. He's not crawling but he's constantly trying to get down, over and around.

I could go on and on about our boy and his great month! We adore him and are so grateful he is part of our family. He makes us laugh and smile more than we thought was possible. He also makes us want to pull our hair out because of the sleep and stretches us and causes us to grow.....we are beyond blessed to call him ours! 

Check out the little mister red.......
(He's crying because I sat him in the "reading chair" and didn't get him a book. Seriously?!?!......this kid!!!!!!)
(And I love that this boy already has favorite books and gets irritated if you read something else to him. Pretty sure he likes the little boy books because the little boy is strawberry blonde/red too!) 
And brother had to get it on the action really this cute big boy of mine! :) 

Jaxson at 9 Months

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