Sunday, July 24, 2016

Going Faster......8 Months!

Don't get me wrong I love seeing my kids grow and aspire to be their best selves. Having said that I'm a huge mourner of my kiddos growing up...hahaha! I just know I am going to wake up tomorrow and they are going to be grown and gone! I always circle back to the thought of boys getting married and not coming back home and it creates such a sadness for me. I know that is not always the case and I hope it is NEVER the case for my boys. I also get very sad thinking of never getting to experience the age my kids are currently in twice. Yes, I hope we have one more child and they will be all the ages I miss (but also not a guarantee in our situation), but my sweet fiery Benson will never be 8 months again. While I cheer and champion him on to next stage in his development, I find myself swelled with sadness every so often because gosh dang it, it's already going too fast. Here is the low down on our chubby babes Benson. Gosh how we love this little monster! He is almost the epitome of pure unaltered, happiness and sunshine!  The almost is referring to his sassy fiery disposition that comes out to play in moments of frustrations. He has the best smile and laugh and brightens up any room he is walked into.  He is extremely ticklish on every inch of his chunky little bod, but especially his thighs and neck. 

He is finally getting better at eating solids and showing more interest in food in general. He especially loves puffies (he has got the finger pincher down), brother's pretzels (awesome of gnawing his gums), pureed green beans, pureed apple blackberry, pureed pears and apples, cheese and veggie straws. He has tried a huge variety of jarred purees and tolerates most as well as oatmeal. He is still a pretty big nurser but is easily distracted. If dad or brother around it's over! Or pretty much any other person lately! Ha! I love nursing him but I'm not going to lie, I'm looking forward to his 1st birthday! :) He loves to squeeze my upper boob when he nurses and lately he has been smacking them and he thinks nipples are the funniest things ever!.....what the!?!? Yeah I think that every time he nurses!!!!!

He is turning into a major daddy's boy and I'm trying to figure out how I'm 2-0 on being the fav parent ;). Bens definitely adores his dad and anything and everything he does but let's be honest, Jax beats out both of us for Benson's favorite person.....ever! Bens thinks he is the funniest, most interesting person ever and I think it's the sweetest, cutest thing ever! Not sure Jax has the same adoration for him but he tolerates him pretty well and even entertains him quite a bit :). Jax definitely loves having a brother but also loves that brother can't mess up his world too badly.....quite yet. Oh boy, is Jax in for a rude awakening soon! But they do have the cutest bedtime ritual when I tuck them in solo (when Jon closes at work). I lay them down next to each other after story and prayer, and sing to them. Benson usually tries to attack Jax and he just gives him loves.

He does the best little excited march when you go to get him from a nap. He is also starting to reach and he gets very excited when he knows who he wants to who him. He is the cutest little excited person ever!

He is sitting like a champ and I am loving it! He can see so much more of his world and he is thriving in it. He is also sitting for bath time and loves splashing like a little crazy person.

He is finally a champ at rolling and rolling and rolling, only getting bugged when he reaches a dead end on his roll aka running into furniture ;). He hasn't shown any interest in crawling which is surprising and not. Surprising because I think Jax was definitely crawling by now but not because Bens prefers to sit to being on his belly hands down.

He is also getting rid of his sea legs and getting more control of standing. He still need help to stand and we usually have to space his little feet and legs apart but he is getting it. Next we will work on getting him to pull himself up and walking with furniture.

He thinks all things that are not toys are the best toys and all things are his. Taking something away from little mister usually results in a pretty epic meltdown, which is pretty hilarious!

He has the most beautiful strawberry blonde hair! It is coming back in so much quicker than Jaxson's did and I'm loving playing with his fluffy hair :).  In keeping with redhead tradition he is very, very, very fair skinned with beautiful blue eyes. He is also the sweetest babes you ever did meet, until well he's not.....then he goes nuclear and is truly feisty......such a redhead! Jon is still convinced he is going to go brown and I think he will stay red or blonde. Pretty much everyone we know that knows Bens is OBSESSED with his included!!!!!!

Our little monster loves books. It's the cutest thing. He gets so over excited when I read to him that he ends up squealing and smacking every page in excitement. He likes to turn the pages but then gets frustrated when I won't give him the whole book....he's a funny monkey like that!

In true boy fashion he loves fart noises and especially loves when he boy cousins do them for him.

He has what I call crazy wrists. When he is excited or just plain happy he rotates his wrists very quickly and it's the stinkin cutest! My niece Taylor did it as a baby, so it's fun to see another kiddo in the family do it as well.

He still likes his binky to sleep but mostly flips it up and gnaws on it during the day. He loves to try and get his lovies at the bottom of his crib when he goes to sleep and is becoming quite a shifter and mover in his crib. He is no longer one arm swaddled but still likes to sleep with a swaddle blanket.

He is obsessed with Mickey. We have a little plush Mickey and he gets beyond excited when we get him out and then will he hug and maul's pretty much the cutest! We love to sing the Mickey Mouse clubhouse intro song to him, it gets him even more excited

He loves to flick everything.......every toy, every object. He studies how things work, flicks it and then gets tired of objects quickly. So when you see a pile of toys around Benson that's why!

As for his favorite toys, Benson loves anything he can get to make a sound, anything that is Jaxson's, anything that is mine (especially my keys), any remote control or cell phone. He is also a fan of his jumperoo, the steering wheel, Sofie the giraffe, the Sesame street pop up toy (always a fav at this house) and many more.

He is still a little fish and has been enjoying quite a bit of time in the pool this summer. He is fan of the little floaty and will kick back and chill but likes to sit and splash equally if not a little more.

Thankfully he doesn't have teeth yet but definitely has some swollen gums which have lent to some intense screaming stretches. Poor kiddo!  Unfortunately (but fortunately for my boobs), I don't think the teeth are coming in any time soon :(.

Benson loves music. Whether it's mom singing, the radio or dad playing the guitar he is mesmerized by music.

He has ended up really liking the car the screaming is pretty rare (knock on wood) and Jax and I are really, really, really, really grateful he doesn't hate the car anymore.

His sleeping at night still kind of sucks. On a good night I am usually up 2 times, on a bad night 3-5 times. Those are, "I'm not having anymore children, can I give this one away even though we worked really hard to get him here" nights. Naps are a usually better, with 2 a day lasting anywhere from 1 hour to 2 hours each one.

I've been trying to get him to say momma but he just laughs and smiles at me when I repeat it ;). No babble words so far but a little bababa.

There is probably so much I am missing. We are so grateful this little boy is ours. He has such a sweet, loving, happy spirit. He is inquisitive, decisive and passionate. We 100% adore him! 

Get ready for a lot of pictures! I always think I didn't get any good shots so I usually do photos twice in one day and then I end up with way too many cute pictures of a beyond cute babes. 

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