Sunday, March 2, 2014

Tiny Moment - Surviving Jon-less Sundays

Sundays without Jon are always way LONG! (People stop shopping at Verizon on Sundays so I can have my hubby back! But keep shopping the other 6 days ;)) Today, bubs and I actually made it through all three hours of church, thanks to a way early nap. Gotta love 1pm church! Jax even stayed the last half of nursery all by himself with only a few tears and I made to Relief Society (never ever happens!)....wahoooooo!!!! After church we watched a movie and snuggled. All and all one of our best survived Sunday without Jon. Best part, dadda made it home before bedtime....well that and the Walking Dead was on! Ha! :) 
Love this sweet and crazy boy! He's my little partner in crime ;) 

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