Thursday, January 12, 2012

"Enjoy Him"

This past week I went to refill Jaxson's acid reflux meds at the pharmacy. As I waited to be rung up I started chatting with a gentleman. He went through the standard stranger questions about Jaxson: how old is he? Is he your first? Does he sleep well, etc. I explained to the man my babes was not the best napper and just wants to be held and loved. I told him I wish I had a manual for my munchkin as being a first time parent can be overwhelming. Then with the sincerest face this sweet man told me figuring out my little man will be hard but be the best part. He told me to not sweat the small stuff and enjoy Jaxson everyday. He said he was just sure my baby would start napping on his own when he was ready but soon he would be too busy to cuddle and be grown soon after that. I so needed to hear that! I had been over stressing about naps and determined I was a horrible mom because i could just not get my baby figured out. Surely enough I was reminded to be a good mom was to love my little boy and keep trying to write the manual for Jax. :)

1 comment:

Lo-train said...

What a cute old man! It's true, every baby is different. That is why I have never read one of those "baby books". They don't know who my baby is. Some babies sleep well, others don't. Both my two are complete opposites and you just roll with the punches. Pretty soon their 2 years old and doing everything normal and no one would ever know they were a "bad" napping baby. Don't worry about schedules, just do what your baby feels like right then. I'm happy for you and your new adventure. Just know, we're all struggling too!