Sunday, October 20, 2019

Jax's Birthday (8)

Our sweet Jax turned 8 today! So hard to find the words to express the love and appreciation I have for that kid! He is so kind. Sensitive to others, their emotions. lHe is curious and inventive. Always creating and coming up with new ideas, new creations. He loves building with his legos or creating an entire city from the toys. He is always up to creating something cool or fun and equally excited to share with me or his Dad his creations. His love for space knows no bounds (And he will be getting a space room soon!).  He has such a sweet, tender side to him. He works so hard even when he wants to give up. He still so hard on himself, which kills us because he's such a good boy. When he is passionate about something, watch out world because he will let you know all the things about. He has the sweetest, goofy side to him as well. It comes out especially with his brothers and cousins. I'm so excited to see what he will do this go around the sun! I know it will be great! 

(I snagged on picture with this cute boy on his birthday right after church. Isn't he the absolute cutest?!?)
(this picture is from a couple of days ago when he took treats to share with his class)

(*Sadly all his birthday pictures were backed up to the broken drive. We always do balloons in the hallway as a tradition and it was Sunday so it wasn't the most exciting of birthdays to be honest. Its killing me that this is one of the memories lost to that dang hard drive. This and his baptism day pictures, in addition to his brothers's birthday party and their birthday pictures are the pictures that caused bawling and panic attacks. I know they are just pictures but honestly they are more than that. They are beautiful momentos of the day. I also have the most horrible memory ever and I want to be able to create and extend a living memory to our kiddos of their childhood as they grow. For now I'm just trying to find gratitude for the pictures I took with my phone and ones we shared with family so we have a copy but hoping ultimately one day we can recovery them. But I guess at the end of the day, with the unknown all I can do is try my best to remember those  amazing days, and record what I can.)

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