Saturday, April 20, 2019

Jax at 7.5 Years Old

Love this sweet seven and half year old boy! He has the kindest, most tender heart. He is becoming more and more curious about space and Nasa and determined to learn all of thing. His love of Jazz grows by the day. He has a slight obsession with Lego City. He loves his brothers a good dose of toleration. He is mom's little buddy and dad's bestie. His cousins remain some of his favorite people in the whole world! He has been working so hard this year at school (1st grade) but it's definitely stretched him (and at times broken his little spirit) and it's been hard with his teacher (definitely not a good fit!!!). But we can see so much effort and growth on his part and are so proud of him! We sure love this kid and are pretty grateful he is our guinea pig in this whole parenting deal! 

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