Thursday, April 4, 2019

Conference Weekend

We love conference weekend and we love it even more when we get to steal a chunk of the Watson crew! This session Gracie decided to facilitate the conference word candy game for her YW's project. So off to Winco for candy we went! 
Love these two because they are the craziest buddies!!!.....
Then it was back to our house for backyard adventures and a slumber party.. Things got a little crazy per usual...
Up early for conference waffles, strawberry and whip cream (& cereal for Jax of course!)......
Gracie setting up her awesome conference game.....
Lots of listening for key words, tackling, laughing, coloring and so much more.....
Lunch break......
A little pampering and tweezing.....
Day 2: The Watsons unfortunately headed home yesterday afternoon so we were left with just a small crew Sunday morning for conference! We had copycat Kneaders french toast and enjoyed the rest of conference, some tramp time, Lego building and chilling as a family. 
Such a great weekend! Love all our peeps! 

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