Saturday, April 30, 2016

Week of Moments - 04.24 to 04.30

Pretty sure these two lovies get all the heart eyes in the world! They are not only handsome but oh so sweet.......well most of the time! 

I love that when Benson wants to lay down he will do exactly that, even when I have sat him up on the couch. Love this little lushy determined soul. 

I tell my boys this all the time, "I baked those cheekers and now I get to smooch them all I want" ;)
Love hanging out with my little artist! He is so creative and loves to express himself. I especially love that his people have twenty arms and twenty legs ;). 

I love this little monkey and never miss an opportunity to capture a moment with him. 

Today our rocks for the flower beds were delivered and let's just say there are A LOT of them! But I know we will be really excited when its all done. Yay for a lot less weeds!  
After helping with rocks mister Jax finally did enough extra chores to earn a super hero. New super hero day is ALWAYS a HAPPY day! 
This little stinkers still doesn't want to roll over. He loves to roll side to side but that's about it besides the accidental roll over and he gets super bugged afterwards. 
Little mister always wants all the washcloths. But he's real cute, especially during tubby time, so I might indulge him in that! 

This smiley boy has my heart! He has to stop growing up so I can snuggle him forever! 
Even though him not taking his naps consistently is slowly driving me nuts, I will take the snuggles. 
Let's talk about how the struggle to lose the baby weight is REAL! I want to lose the weight but I also really want to eat all the time! Having a sweet babes that kind of sucks at sleeping and treats keep me sane. So I will continue to live the struggle, ha! :) 

I'm dying because this little boy has red in his hair! Love my little red ;) 
It's official popsicle season! 
Little mister discovered bath letters and he is a FAN! 

Another week of ragged mommy survival-hood in the books. So grateful for these boys. Oh how they challenge me and encourage me to grow. I am grateful for their patience and forgiveness because I'm far from a perfect parent. But my love for them......that's pretty close to perfect. :) 

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