Saturday, April 16, 2016

Week of Moments - 04.10 to 04.16

This little guy likes to go the jungle ;) 
I received my first sewing badge of honor or shame, I'm not sure. I was attempting to sow a blanket for Jaxson really quickly and took a sewing machine needle through the nail. It hurt like the dickins but after some blood, swearing and bandaids, I survived but the blanket is still not done :(

Today I received a text from my sweet neighbor/friend. She was running late at an auto repair shop and asked me to pick up her daughter from preschool who happens to be a little friend of Jaxson's. Jax and Katelyn had a great afternoon together. 
This is what a rough morning equivocates too. 
Love snuggling this anti-sleeping, chubba loves! :) 

I could not heart these two more than I do. Jaxson adores Jon and I beyond adore their sweet relationship, which includes breakfast together. 
This kid and his "Linus" blanket.......kills me! 
Just a happy boy in a swing :) 
Sometimes I am so amazed at the creativity in this little boy. Today he made a boat for his car and duck.....all our of bath numbers and letters :) 
I don't even care if having little brother chill in bed is a ploy to prolong bedtime, it's the stinking cutest and it totally worked! :) 

My sad huge toe! I swear I'm one of the only people I know that gets ingrown toe nails down by the nail does that even happen!?!? 
His rolls have rolls and I love them! 


We love having a party at our house, especially a Watson party! 

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