Friday, November 20, 2015

Blasphemy!!!! (aka Decorating For Christmas Before Thanksgiving)

In my 31 years I have never decorated before Thanksgiving! I'm a one holiday at a time kind of girl. However, this year I made an exception. With baby Conley#2 coming two days before Thanksgiving (inducement November24th) I really didn't want to have to worry about decorating but still wanted our home to have that cozy Christmas feel (which is one of my favorite looks for our house!). So I broke down and decided to decorate early. Jaxson was thrilled. He has been so excited for Christmas. It's the cutest thing EVER! Here is a little peek at us decorating! :) 
Watching Arthur Christmas
One of his favorite decoration was a gift from my in laws. He could play with the musical Santa all day long! Loves it! :) 
Bubs decorating his mini tree, which he has redecorated about 1000 times! He loves him some Christmas!
Putting the star on the "big" tree :)
Now it's mom's turn to decorate the house because I'm crazy and I love it! :) 

And sad to say, I really did slack this year. I usually make hot chocolate, cookies and other treats so we have some goodies when we decorate. None of that happened this year. That's what happens when you are about to pop!!!!! Hopefully I will have my crap back together next year ;).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What?! You did Christmas decorating before Thanksgiving? Hell has officially frozen over. Ha ha jk