Wednesday, May 27, 2015

J2B2: Just A Little In Love

Oh my! Love this little profile....a little or a lot! Today was my first appointment back at Valley OB. It was so nice to be back at a familiar place and see my fav doctor, Dr. Ollerton. He was so sweet when I saw him. He gave me a big hug and let me know how excited he was for our family and he knew how hard we worked for this babes. Then I was able to see my trouble maker munchkin on the screen. Our babes was actually pretty chill this time which was little shocking but still oh so great and fun to see it. My due date is still December 1st but based on Dr. Ollerton's schedule and my preference I will more than likely be induced on November 23rd or 24th. It all feels surreal until I don't eat on demand or take my heart burn meds or my belly pops out like it's post Thanksgiving dinner. The baby more than reminds me it is here and excited to come to our family! We could not be more excited or happy. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm super excited for you too!