Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Half Birthday to Our Boy

Oh our bubs! We just love the craziness that is Jax and are in disbelief that he is 2 and half! He has changed so much in the past 6 months. It's easy to forget except when I go back and remember my little 2 year old! I can't believe he is 6 months from turning 3! So crazy to me because while it feels like he has been apart of our family for forever, his birth seems like yesterday in a lot of ways. Jax has been such an amazing addition to our family. He is full of excitement and love for life. His energy level is amazing and never ending. He only goes 0-60 or 60-0 in his world. Calm, quiet moments are definitely more rare at our house. He wears his emotions on his little sleeve. You will never have to guess whether Jax is happy, sad, frustrated, etc. He is all boy. He loves to body slam, wrestle, run things over, hide, bash things, jump on everything, run like an energizer bunny, climb on everything.  But he also has a  sensitive side and will cry if I raise my voice at all. He loves to have the freedom to run, go and be. He loves animals but gets to excited to actually ever touch them. He is still a dadda's boy but really likes mom now (I have become his nightly tuck in preference and I LOVE it!!!!) He is not a fan of structure and his attention span is still pretty short (other than playing with cars). He hates nursery at church but is starting to like playgroup a little more because we just let them play. His personality makes me very grateful that he is an October birthday and therefore will be the oldest in his class when he goes to school. Hopefully that will give us some time to figure out the best ways to channel his energy. Again we are so grateful for our boy every day and though I feel like I've been run over by a truck every night, it's worth it to spend the day with him,

Here are some memories, moments and milestones of the past 6 months......(There are a lot of them!)
(gotta love notepads on smart phones, it has allowed me to keep record of these little Jax things :))
*He love of anything Cars has grown by leaps and bounds if that is possible. He especially loves McQueen (his absolute favorite), Mater and Finn. He would watch Cars, Cars 2 and Mater Tales all day every day if I let him. He has also developed a love for Planes, especially Dusty.
*He still loves pretty much anything with wheels including race cars, dump trucks, etc. He likes to race them, run them over, "boom" them, etc.
*He thinks shaking hands is really funny.
*He loves wearing baseball hats. He tolerates wearing beanies in the winter but only outside. He would wear his baseball hat to bed andin the bath if I let him.
*When I'm sitting down, Jax likes to "pick me" under my butt and then says, "it's heavy momma"
*He still will not let us go to the bathroom alone!
*He thinks farting is the funniest. He laughs super hard with every fart.
*He still loves to make coos coos (cookies) with mom, usually saying "Momma I help make coo coos". Snickerdoodles are still his fav cookie & pretty much the only ones he will eat.
*He went through the stage of the booty block. If someone was in his space or he wanted to invade someone else's space, he would simply booty block them. It was super annoying but admittedly kind of cute. Thankfully the stage did not last and he is make to scowling ;).
*He is still very polite, well with some prompting. He will say, "Thank you, your welcome" all in one statement of thanks. And recently saying my favorite phrase of "Oh thank (sounds like sank) you momma". It's the absolute cutest and melts my heart.
*His short fuse has continued but improved over the past 6 months. He needs direct eye contact to usually come back from eruption but comes back fairly quick these days.
*He is his mother's child when he is grumpy! We always compare him to the Snickers bar commercial where they turn into a diva or a crazy person when hungry....that's him!
*He went "wonderful" stage of getting angry every time I turned onto Pioneer Road. It would take us from Saratoga Springs to American Fork or Orem (pretty much where everything is other than our Walmart). He would cry and say no, no, no, no. I would try to convince him we were going to do fun errands, apparently he knew different. The only time he would calm down about turning on the road was when I would tell him we were going to Costco. He loves to ride in the big basket in the Costco cart. :) It has since gotten better, THANK FREAKIN' GOODNESS. But it was a rough few months it went on.
*Jax knows most of colors now. But six months ago, everything was blue, then a month later everything was blue yellow. So funny! He now knows them pretty accurately and we are pretty sure blue is his favorite color because he identifies blue items everywhere we go. So cute :)
*More recently (probably the last month or two) he has started to identify things he thinks are funny or silly. He will say or something ask, "That's funny", "That's funny?" or "That's silly", "That's silly?". His statements or questions are usually accompanied with the cutest little chuckle.
*He went through a stage of throwing his arms up in the air and saying yeah when I would ask him a question. But the yeah turned into a sweet little giggle signifying yes. We have been working since, to get his yeah back and it's slowly coming back.
*He will now say, "I Jaxson, I two" if you ask him what his name is and how old he is. It's really cute because he always pats his chest as he says it.
*For the longest time he would call both spoons and forks, spoons, but is slowly getting more accurate.
*He always has to eat a banana from the pointy end funny!
*He hates if his long sleeve shirt sleeves bunch up but doesn't mind wearing short sleeves or a collared shirt rolled, go figure!
*His favorite song is still Silent Night (this has been the case since he was about 3 months old). He will now "sing" along to it. It remains his most requested song before bedtime. He will also "sing" popcorn (with some of the motions), twinkle twinkle, bunny fu fu (again with some of the motions) and I am a Child of God.  So cute! And when I say sing, it's usually the last word on of the sentence. :)
*He has discovered his zip up footy pjs have choo choo tracks. He likes to run his fingers up and down the tracks saying choo-choo.
*For about 2 months, he would pick the exact same 2 books (both blue Dr. Seuss books, that are meant for older kids). Run to his room, climb on his rocker and laugh. We then would proceed to hid the longer books and read the books we picked out. He has started to pick other books but will get stuck on picking the same book for a week or two if he really likes it.
*He does the cutest shoulder shrug, putting his hands and asking, "Where'd go?"
*When we tell him that one of his Cars cars are missing, I will start yelling for them by name, i.e. "Finn. Finn, Finn" or "McQueen, McQueen, McQueen" and then the bubs will start yelling for them, looking everywhere. It's so cute!
*He stills hates to have his diaper changed but the kicking has gotten a lot better. We may also started to bribe him. If he takes his diaper out to the garbage in the garage he gets 1 Mike and Ike. So now when we ask him to lay down for a diaper change he is a lot more willing. He also has some other chores, like putting his dirty laundry in the hamper, taking his bowl or plate to the sink and cleaning up his toys.
*He has started to think things are scary. He will say "that's scary". So we have been talking to him about it and we will explain what it actually is and tell him it's not scary. Now he will point at something he used to think was scary and say, "That's no scary".
*He loves to run to the front of my car, whether it's the garage or in a parking lot, pat the hood, and do car noises.
*He also likes to "find" Jon's car in the driveway and says, "That's dadda's car". And when we are out doing errands he will look for it and if it's a really similar looking car he will say it again. Then I tell him it's not Jon's car, he says, "That's not dadda's car.".
*Whenever anything gets stuck, whether it's him, his car, his treats, etc., he will yell, "It's stucky, it's stucky"
*He loves to push me by the butt and says, "momma hide".
*He still loves our next door neighbor's dog, Penny. Whenever they both outside, we have to go see Penny. When we get close to approaching her, he does one of two things. He either, pushing me by the bum towards Penny. Or he calls to penny saying, "come on, come on"  with cute little grabbing motion.
*He lets out the cutest and loudest gasp when he is excited.
*He will let you know when things are sticky, "It's sticky" and he doesn't like to be sticky or dirty on his hands or face.
*He will still always let us wipe his snot or fish out a bugger.
*He is extremely bossy in the car. He will point a certain direction and say, "This way" or "That way". And is not very happy when that's not always the way we go.
*He does the cutest lip pucker for kisses but more times than not he gives us the cheek for kisses
*He says I love (sounds like wuv) you before he goes to bed and usually only then
*He can count to ten but usually skips a number here and there, usually 5.
*When we pull into the drive way at our house, you will him whisper, "we home"
*Loves to chase mom and dad around the house with any object saying, "Its coming, its coming" and laughing hysterically.
*Still prefers to body slam and wrestle his momma......go figure!
*He loves balloon. Will yell and freak out every time he see them. And more recently, he proceeds to tell me what color the balloons are.
*He likes to grab Jon and I around the necks and either pull all three of us together for a group hug or more recently just push mine and Jon's heads together.
*He will reach up to be picked up and say, "carry you"
*He asks multiple times a day to, "go to parky". Loves to play at the park and thinks he is such a big boy, minus the baby swing. He prefers to go in the baby swing because he can go much faster and higher. I usually make him go on the big boy swing once every time we go the park. He says, "no, no, all done." He also loves the high twisty slide and the climbing up the ladders. He is a little crazy but I try to refrain from my natural inclination of being a helicopter mom.
*In the past couple of months he started watching a show called "Wally Kazaam" on Nick Jr. The first episode had a creature that would sing, "la, la, la, la, LAAAAA". So now out of the blue, Jaxson will sing the exact same thing. It took us a couple of days to figure out what he was doing.
*He does the funnest little knee slide. We call it his rock star slide. And he does it super randomly.
*When he doesn't want to get ready for bed (which is pretty frequently) he always crying and yells for the parent that is not making him getting for bed in that moment.
*He thinks its hilarious to drive cars on his momma or put them under my butt and then laughs and says "I get momma". He also says, "I piece of momma" when he wants to wrestle or play chase.
*Makes the cutest semi-truck honking noises with coordinating hand movement, except he does it with both hands.
*He has turned into Charlie Brown since I made him a fleece Lightning McQueen blanket. When he wakes up in the morning and after naps he has to have his blanket. He carries it around for a little bit and if he catches me trying to put it back in his room, he will go grab it again and then wrestle it.
*He can now climb in and out of his crib (probably learned a month or so again). I was really nervous that I would have to move him to a big boy bed or he would climb out when he was supposed to be sleeping but so far so good (knock on wood). He usually only climbs in when he wants his binkies that I have taken away and then climbs back out when he has them.
*His fav TV shows have kind of fluctuated but have rotated between Mickey Mouse Clubhouse,

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