Wednesday, February 5, 2014

My Process

After the bottom drops out on my each month like it did today, I have come up with a ritual to help me somewhat cope. Jon thinks I'm pretty funny about it but is still supportive. He says whatever works! And I agree :) After some tears are shed this is usually what goes down....
The first day usually consists of chocolate and any other dang food/drink item I want times ten! ;) Maybe that's where my extra cushion has come from!
The second day usually consists of me watching What to Expect When You Are Expecting. And as you can imagine I bawl like a baby but I also laugh every single time. For people that haven't seen it, it's pretty dang hilarious (dude's group) and honestly quite heart warming. I can relate to quite a few of the women's stories. Elizabeth Bank's character gets all the traditional woes of pregnancy. I definitely felt her pain when I was preggers with Jax (I didn't get the glow either, I just got backne and kicked in the vag too). It also takes her character two years to pregnant, which now I can relate to, to some extent. Jennifer Lopez's character's story (she and her husband can't have kids, even after IVF, so they adopt) makes me smile bawl every time because I don't know what our future holds. So watching that movie is usually day 2. 

By day 3 I have usually made peace and am doing better. But this quote is very helpful all month long......
As much as I want to give up on the first day of my period, I know that I have to find the strength to keep trying. I have to keep the faith that my baby(s) will come. So for now I will keep up my survival ritual until my miracle baby comes. 

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