Friday, September 13, 2013

Tiny Moment - A Day of Tiny Moments

This is how my day started. Jax got up and ran to Jon's office to find him and instead found a video game controller that Jon let my baby use to play a car game the day previous. Jon conveniently forgot that we agreed our child would be a real boy and no video games. Don't worry I reminded him of this conversation we had before Jax's birth. It has been amended to include only family Wii time in the distant future...hard core mean mom right here! ;) On a side note, I love this boy in jammies. Cutest ever!!! :) 
This is after we went to Costco to pick up calcium chews because some little guy has decided almond milk is for the weak (unless in cereal or oatmeal) and since he can't have any other kind of dairy/calcium (food allergies) we are trying to supplement a little bit. He was so excited. He had to carry them the whole time in Costco and all the way home! :) 
Upon exiting the car from doing errands, Jax ran to the box of sidewalk in the garage, grabbing a whole pile and rubbing them into his shirt. After that the shirt came off, he became a muscle man. With a lion/dinosaur roar to go with it! ;) 
And this was the capper to the day! :) His dinosaurs needed a ride, so he put them in his cars! :) This boy of mine....he kills me! :) 

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