Friday, July 5, 2013

Balloon Fest 2013

Oh one of my fav summer/4th of July traditions is the Provo Balloon Fest. It is very, very, very early but so much fun. It's especially fun when we get to hang out with the Watsons and MaDeb & Papa Rick. Here is a peak at our adventure! :) 
My non-morning morning boy! :) He's likes morning when he wakes up at his regular time, not at 5:45am. Poor kid, but he was a good sport about the whole thing :).
He was loving the balloons. He kept pointing to them. It was so incredibly cute to see how aware and interested he was this year. He especially liked when they would increase the fire burn to fill the balloon. He must be a little pyro like his momma. 
And the leash is on so the monkey can run free. 
Jacq took over leash duty and both her and Jax were in heaven. They were hilarious. 
LoBugga and Shaun! Aren't they the cutest!?!? :) 
This kid never has a shortage of energy. He decided that pushing his stroller was the logical place to put his energy. Bless him! 
Papa Rick & MaDeb came to the party! We loved having them here!!! :) 
Oh this face.....just love this little face!
Haha the only pictures I really got of the boys! They are still so cute! :) But no smiles for Aunt Lyss ;( 
LoBugga & Timmers! :) 
Love my little family and our little group. :) 
After running into a member of Tim & Shauna's ward who happened to be a fire fighter (I think or a paramedic :)), Jax and Jacq were able to sit in the fire ruck and back of an ambulance. They thought it was the coolest thing ever. 
Then Max, Jacq, Jax & myself were able to hang out in the hospital helicopter. Such a cool thing to be able to do. And the guys operating it were so nice!
Jaxson adores Shauna and Tim's boys, especially Max. He thinks he is the coolest guy ever! And Max is so cute to play with Jax. 
I love this picture! 

After the Provo balloon fest, the tradition of Krispy Creme continued! :) 

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