Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Jax & His Carrot (Yup you read that right....his carrot!)

This is what happens when Jax sees Jon eat a carrot. Jaxson decides he needs a carrot too! Sometimes I wish I could get into little man's head to see what he's thinking. But if I had to guess, this is what I think he's thinking......
"Mom I LOVE this carrot. I'm going to take it on an adventure!"
"Well hello carrot, should we slide?!!?!?"
"Dad, what do you think, should I take it on the slide? It's cold and wet, and a little slimy!"
"I think I am going to bite you my little carrot!"
"Carrot, this is my ball pit! Wait where did you go?!?!?"
"Oh I found you! Come on Carrot let's go!"
"Hey guys did you take my carrot!?!?!"
"Oh there you are silly carrot! Stop rolling away!"
"Now stay"
"Carrot, this is my box. Do you like it?"
"Come on silly carrot, time to get out of the box"
"I love you carrot"
"But not as much as I love my dadda!"

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