Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Sledding 2.0

What's a monkey and a mom to do when they get snowed in......sled of course!!!! Jon had picked up a little seat sled a while ago and we had yet to use it. So when it decided to dump snow all day, I got us both dressed in our snow clothes and headed out. And goodness me, I am out of shape, so out of shape!!! I was huffing and puffing after about 5 minutes of running up and down the sidewalk. Jax loved the sled when I was running and was perfectly content when I would just walk. We were both little popsicles when we got to the garage. As soon as I took Jax out of the sled and took off his jacket he headed straight for the stairs to the house. And then wasn't content until I was in the house and he shut the door. He is like his momma, likes to have fun but doesn't like to be cold! :) 

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