Wednesday, December 12, 2012

These Are A Few of My Favorite Things

Just love this boy. As much as he terrorizes everything in our home, including his mamma, he is such a cute, fun boy!!! He is so busy that sometimes what he does blends together. But the other day I pulled out my camera and observed my little monster and noticed he has so many interests in his little world. 

Cars! He loves to play with cars....a lot! 

Opening doors. Pretty sure all the ones that can be locked in our house....are! We are in big trouble when he can reach and turn the dead bolts. Freakin' tall kid!

Dragging & wrestling any stuffed animals he can find. 

Playing in the new play room storage bins. They are bright green and he loves them. He thinks they are a toy especially brought in for his enjoyment. 

Balloons....he love, love, loves balloons. And the balloons we have are from his birthday....2 months ago! He still thinks they are fantastic! 

His new favorite thing.....spinning. I used to hold him and dance and spin. Then one day he just started spinning on his own. It's pretty cute if you can convince him to do it. 

Probably his most favorite thing right is getting on his step stool and look out the window. He likes to look at the cars driving by, people walking their dogs, kids riding their bikes or walking around, etc., etc. He especially loves watching Jon come and go to work. And when he hears the garage door open he freaks out, runs to me, reaches for me to pick him up and urges me to the back door to wait for Jon.   Him loves his dadda!

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