Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year's Eve

Yes, we spent our New Year's Eve at home, in sweat pants, eating pizza and watching a movie! Pretty sure I had to text my husband, who was playing games in the other room, to come and kiss his wife at midnight....we are so, so, so bad! Honestly it was just another night at our house. It's hard when you have a baby that hits the hay at 7pm every night (which honestly I usually LOVE). But I have to admit our standards NYE was little laid back this year even for me....I might have to kick it up a notch! 

 He makes me smile! 
He got his NYE kiss a little 6:59pm early :)
 This is how we roll at the Conley's! 
Love this kid more than words! Even if he is own brand of stinker 99% of the time but look at that face. He really is a sweetheart ;). 
Happy New Year's!!!
As for a resolutions, I have never been very big on them but my sister mentioned doing a word resolution. Basically it's where you pick a word (or phrase) that you want to aspire to be through out the year. It has definitely been hard to find just one word, since I have discovered I have more than a laundry list of things to work on. But I feel like the word for me this year is thrive (to prosper; be fortunate or successful. To grow or develop vigorously; flourish). There have definitely been moments (I'm not going to lie, quite a few moments) this past year where I have struggled to thrive in my new role as a mother and homemaker. I want to enjoy these new gifts in my life and for lack of a better word....THRIVE. So that will be my word for the year and I am excited to pursue different ways to achieve it! Happy New Year's!!! :) 

1 comment:

Shauna said...

I am loving EVERYTHING you are writing about tonight. Awesome. I love your word. You will be amazing. I almost feel like it is our words that pick us. Good luck. To thriving!