Tuesday, November 6, 2012

An American and A Mother

As I was putting Jaxson to bed last night, I couldn't help but be a little excited for today....election day! I was so excited to vote for Romney, I kept thinking about a brighter future for Jax. This is the first election where "the future generation will reap what we sow" really rang true. I wanted a strong but compassionate leader for our nation, for Jax. Someone who hold us accountable but allow assistance when appropriate. Someone who believed entitlement had no place in our nation and that we were better than that. Someone who believed in the power of the human spirit to conquer our weaknesses and overcome our adversities. Someone who would teach us to fish, not throw the fish in our face and tell us to eat it because he knows best. Unfortunately the dream of that leader is gone for the next 4 years (and maybe forever, as we are failing to learn from our mistakes). I am sure Obama is a good person in his own right but a good leader for our country, I don't think so. When I heard the outcome of the elections, I wasn't mad.....I was sad, I cried. I thought of the sweet little face laying in the crib down the hallway and I cried. And then I thought back a few months ago when I was talking to my Dad on the phone discussing the upcoming elections. We had discussed the very real possibility of Romney not winning and how we, members of the church, know the world must get worse. I remember saying that I would never stop fighting for a better future for Jaxson no matter the outcome but at the end of the day sometimes the best future you can create is within the walls of your own home. Tonight was a strong and brash reminder that Jon and I need to make sure we are teaching Jax correct principles and making our home a sanctuary. So a sad night for sure, but it will not break my spirit as an American or a mother. 

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