Saturday, August 11, 2012

Mister LOVES to read

Jaxson loves, loves, loves to read and I am thrilled about it. We have been reading him bedtime stories since he was about 2 days old. He could seriously spend hours between me reading to him and him pretending to read. He crawls to the bookshelf, stands on his tippy toes and tries to grab all the books (we have tried to put them a little further back because he would get every single book down if he could).  When I give him a book he flips through the pages and points at random items. When I grab a book he plops his cute little tush in my lap and helps me turn the pages. I truly do love story time, even if sometimes it lasts forever and its the same book over and over again (usually Stinky Face...but I do love that book).

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