Monday, July 16, 2012

Love that Baby ;)

Alright I am totally one of those parents who thinks their kid is pretty much the coolest thing ever! Even though this babes can drive me crazy (whining, not sleeping, gagging on food he doesn't like until he pukes....on me, pulling my hair out, licking my face, etc, etc.) like nothing else, he is pretty much an amazing little guy and I adore him.  And I think he feels the same.....about himself! Every time Jax finds a mirror, he finds that cute baby. He will give himself kisses, or smiles or pokes. He loves "that baby":).

1 comment:

Shauna said...

I love this post!! Jax sees a little person!! So stinkin' cute. i don't think i ever say that.. ever.. NOPE.. I never say how stinkin' cute that baby of yours is. Anyway.. it's true. So much fun that he kisses.. smiles.. and pokes at his person.. Very fun post.