Monday, April 5, 2010

When Karma Hits......

So before I got married I never understood why people gained weight post marriage. I figured you get all kick a** hot looking for your wedding, why give that up. But now that I have been married a little over a year, KARMA has come and bit me in the bigger butt! Like with most weight gain it came gradually and then one morning I was looked in the mirror and thought what the hell happened?!?! My arms got bigger, my butt got bigger, my stomach got bigger, my thighs got bigger and my face got bigger, okay you get the point pretty much everything got a little bit bigger! Friends would say oh really I don't think you've gained weight but you could see that look that says "oh yeah she does look a little pudgy...I wonder if there is a baby in there." No there is no baby in there, it's just freakin fat. I don't have the excuse of birth control because it makes me crazy and I'm not on it. And no I have not been eating the same portions as Jon. I guess it's one too many treats and a lot of grilled cheese in the winter. Needless to say this lady is on a mission! I'm on a mission to get back to my glory days. So I have started doing P90x and eating healthy (5-6 mini balanced meals) and thinking a lot about my health. That brings me to my new favorite show.

I absolutely love this show. Jamie Oliver has an endearing way of showing America, as he has done with England, what we are doing to ourselves. The constant crap we put in our bodies, the chances we take with our health. I love the idea of being skinny, what women doesn't. However I would rather be fit and healthy than anything else. Jon and I both have health concerns on each side of our families and want to do all that we can to avoid future issues because of poor choices and habits created. Okay I feel like I am on a soap box a little but more than anything this is for me.....I want to be healthy and have a strong body for life :). Don't get me wrong I will still enjoy a treat but just learning moderation and portion size will be a great asset to me now and in the future. I hope by developing these habits now and I can pass them onto my future kids. If you get a chance watch Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution Friday nights on ABC, it won't disappoint. :)

1 comment:

Shauna said...

Ha ha ha... GO YOU!! Don't you hate Karma!! :) Love you! Good luck on your *be healthy quest*... Love that show...