Saturday, November 24, 2018

Benson's 3rd Birthday

Our Little Red is 3! Can' t believe this handsome little spit fire miracle is getting so big, so fast! He is such a huge joy and a little terror, usually within a few seconds of each other (haha, he kills me!). He still loves mom and dad pretty equally depending on his mood. He loves his brothers more than words and is by far our most social child with them and every other person on this planet. We keep trying to convince him that stranger danger is real! He makes friends with everyone he meets and sincerely cares about is very sweet (& a little scary sometimes!). He is a huge talker. He seriously has been talking in paragraphs since he was just over two. Honestly he is probably far too smart for his own good. He tends to be a mischief maker and gets himself into some trouble with his determined little soul. He has a zest for life that is unmatched and a joy and light that is still so bright that he lights up everyone around him. He finds joy in all things and shows others how to as well. He definitely never shies away from expressing his emotions and he tends to feel all emotions on an elevated sometimes we are just riding the Bens wave. He is beyond worth it! I don't know what we would do without this amazing little miracle babes in our life. He truly is the blessing my heart pled, begged and bled for. We love you too much, Benson! 

Benson's Birthdays.......2nd, 1st, Birth

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