Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Temple Square 2017

Every year I look forward to visiting Temple Square. Yes, it's cold, crowded, sometimes rushed and a little stressful. But it's also magical, spiritual, fun, beautiful and just wonderful. I feel like that's how most of our traditions feel with our kiddos being little. Things rarely go as planned and there are usually a few bumps in the road. But every time I look back on a memory or forward to the same tradition, my heart clings and treasures the good parts and completely forgets the rest and I LOVE THAT and I'm grateful for that! This year we were able to go to Temple Square with my Mom and Rick and the kids were in heaven. We adore them! We have been missing our Watsons with them being in Virginia but this help take the sting out of missing them for this tradition. It was a great night filled with laughter, wonderment, the Christmas spirit and so much more. Grateful for nights like these. 
Temple Square visits from the past 2016201520142013201220112010200920082007

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