Saturday, April 2, 2016

A Week of Tiny Moments - 03.27 to 04.02

(Gomba Gomba) 
These two together make my heart BURST! 

I'm pretty sure the jumperoo is becoming a fast favorite for our little Bens boy! 
Oh how we adore Jaxson and his little creative, building side. Today he build Italy. 

Someone is a little stubborn napping on his one right now. But he is real cute when wakes up and cuddles. Oh how I love the cuddles! 

Good thing he is pretty dang cute because sleep is not his friend! 

You know it's been a good field trip day when I see this in my rear view mirror. That's one tired boy! 

This week we were making sure Jaxson knew Jon and my real names. He thought it was so funny we had other names. 

Just another day with two crazy boys! 
I kind of adore these two stinkers! No two days are the same and most days have quite a few hiccups, tears, tantrums giggles, smiles, poops, farts, raspberries, dirty diapers, spit ups, tweaked breastfeeding nips and so much more. They are long and exhausting but I wouldn't trade them. 
Brother showing him how the jumperoo works! 

Love when this kid is the special helper at school. It seriously makes his world go round. He gets so excited to tell me about his day. Happy boy = happy momma! 
This boy adore tubby time and I absolutely adore him! 
Clean. happy boys! Oh how I love bedtime ;) 

He might be the cutest thing EVER when he wakes up in the morning. 

This boy likes toys

Jax rocking his shades from the Easter bunny on the way to the dentist. 
Bubs rocked his dentist appointment (his 3rd appointment so far). He was cavity free and they are going to continue to monitor his soft spot between his front teeth. 
Happy boy with his treasure from the dentist. 
We also showed Jaxson his BIG SURPRISE. Jon and I decided to do a smaller Christmas for Jaxson with the intention of getting him a ride on car in spring. Well tonight it was finally time to show him his new car. He wasn't super excited but I'm thinking that will change when we put it together. 

Today we put Jaxon's car together and he was beyond excited. He was beyond happy to help Jon and loved the end result. 
Here is our boy cruising away. 
Short intermission so Dad could speed up his car. 
(Ahhhhh I die! Look at how good bubs is getting at writing his name! So incredibly proud of him. He truly has worked so hard and it is paying off)
Back to cruising at the open space across the street and all around the house. Needless to say Jax is a huge fan and so are we! 
That's one tired boy! Jax usually only goes a one speed and when he's done, he's DONE.

This adorably cute boy is busted. He only wanted to sleep with his very tired, overly exhausted, way sleep deprived mommy last night and this was after kicking my for 2.5 hours in the middle of the night. 
Kind of hard to stay mad at him though.......freakin' cutie! 
All is forgiven later in the day with some snuggles. 
Someone is getting the hang of this whole sitting and playing with toys thing.....someone please tell this sweet babes to stop growing. 

Another week with two survived with a fair amount of thrive. We for sure struggle with something everyday but the giggles, smiles and multiple types of growth makes it all worth it. 

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