Saturday, March 12, 2016

A Week of Tiny Moments - 03.06 to 03.12

-Bumbo Boy-
Today we decided to bust out the bumbo and give it a go. Little man was a fan (no worries I was right there is case the bumbo shifted ;)). Cheers to hopefully this little boy sitting up before his brother did! 
-Handsy Man-
Let's talk a minute about how handsy Benson is. My goodness when this kiddo is nursing his hands don't stop grabbing or moving. It's pretty hilarious until he grabs the one batch of hair I forgot to move. His sweaty monkey palms hurt a little bit with the hair grab and pull. Let's hope the handsy stage passes before he starts liking girls ;). 
-Morning Bliss-
Oh how I love mornings with this little boy. He is the best little snuggle monster and wakes up with the happiest of smiles. 
-Slow Down Baby-
Benson loves to suck on his swaddle blanket.....fingers crossed it's not a precursor to teething.....I'm super not ready for that! 
-I Wanna Squeeze Him-
Oh man I love this squeezable boy.....that is all! 
-Let the BabyTalk Begin!-
Someone found his voice and it's pretty much the cutest! 
-Good for the Soul-
Today we finally made it to the park. Love being out in the sunshine with my boys! Jax has mastered every little bit of the playground and he's pretty pleased with himself. 
-Master Builder-
We have officially dubbed Jax a master builder (enter Lego movie reference here). He is so creative and love to make it his own. Love this little guy! 
-He's Not Fat, He's Substantial-
I could not love or be more proud of every single roll on this kid. So grateful to breastfeed him and see the result in those sweet rolls. Pretty sure I could nibble on them forever! 
The rolls are even cute covered up because you can never hide those cheeks!
-King with a Ring- 
Gosh I love this big boy of mine! He has personality coming out of his ears and entertains up for days!
-Heart Outside My Body-
Oh these two boys! They are proof that my heart exits outside my body because they are my heart! :) 
One day he will nap in his crib, right?!?!? And one day I will miss holding him for 90% of  his naps, right?!?!
And I really wish I would this little mister would stop grabbing and pulling my hair. Pretty sure the only solution is to chop it off! Pretty sure that is right around the corner. 
-Shhhhh Don't Tell Jon-
I kind of like having the baby monitor on phone! Don't tell Jon because as far as he knows I hate 99% of technology in our house. 
Oh how my boy loves Disney Cars! So much so that he recreated Italy out of his blocks and cars. Man I like this kid! 
-My Little Wolfman-
I wasn't so sure about this wolf sweater when I bought it and now it's a fav! Love this little wold man of mine!!!

Another week in the books.....boys not only survived me as a mom but they've grown and developed amazingly. I survived with a little bit of sanity left over. And we have created amazing memories and have all grown in love. 

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