Thursday, November 26, 2015

Tiny Moment - Houston, We Have A Problem!!!

Going in to having a second child, I am pretty sure I had subconscious expectations based on my experience with Jaxson. I assumed it would be the same, if not easier/better with our second......well it turns out there is a third option......harder! Our sweet Benson has his days and nights mixed up (Jax never experienced that issue) and he will not sleep anywhere but on my chest (& I HATE co-sleeping, makes me super nervous)...morning, noon and night (Jax spent his time in the port-a-crib from day one). So while I am trying to not consciously compare, in the back of my mind lies the memory of a baby that knew what night time was and went to bed directly after feedings during that time and also slept in a crib. Freakin it just acts as a slap in my tired face!!!! Good thing Bens is pretty dang cute! 

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