Saturday, November 1, 2014

Having It All Together

Do you ever look at a stranger in public (let's say Target, haha I swear in that store all the moms have their crap together :)) and think wow, that chick has it all together? I do. I see this stranger perfectly dressed, with immaculate curls in their hair (that I can't master on my best day), make up done to the T and their children looking and acting just as "perfect". I am sure they are not perfect. I know no one is and no life is but it's still so hard as I stand there in my sweatpants and greasy hair trying to remember that. Today I glanced in my rear view mirror and I decided I looked okay, even somewhat put together. Someone might see in me in the store and think that lady has it together (haha maybe not!). However, the truth is far from that. The truth is, it's my third day of DRY shampoo, I was wearing sweatpants and an inside out sweatshirt 2 minutes before I walked out the door and I exchanged that for a shirt with a hole in the underarm but didn't realize it did till I was 10 minutes away from our house. My pants fit way too tight because I suck at working out these days. And my child still has lunch on his face post nap! I realized sitting there, my "put together" had nothing but holes. It was a good reminder to me, things are usually not what they seem. There are cracks and craters in "perfection" and we need to be careful of how we treat ourselves and others. Even if it's your 10th time at Costco in sweatpants, no make up and pony tail.....that's okay! That's great! You made it out of the house and braved the store with kids. And if you seem someone who is "perfect" remember there are always cracks and smile in kindness because no one and no life is perfect. At the end of the day, we all doing this mommy dance together, just trying to keep our head above water. :)

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