Monday, October 6, 2014

For Reals?!?!

I am huge fan of being informed, especially of things going on in my own personal life. During the course of our baby drought, I have been constantly reading up on different infertility studies, research, personal stories of failures and successes, etc. During my recent readings, I came across an article about encouraging health insurance companies in Utah to cover a little more of the infertility cost since it's a diagnosed condition. Upon completing the article, I did something that is always a no-no when reading these types of articles, I read the comments. All I can say is WHOA! I thought it would be full of happiness and support. Instead, it was filled with hate, judgement and the harshest of words. By the time I was done reading the many, many, many comments, I was in tears. I was shocked at the shaming that went on for both primary infertility and especially secondary infertility families. The shaming was very specific, calling those with secondary infertility selfish, ungrateful, anti-adoption (for the record we are pro-adoption and hope to adopt in addition to having another biological child), ignorant of overpopulation, and honestly the horrible list goes on and on. People also said having a child was a choice and if it costs extra to do so it was a selfish decision. Even though the article stated, treating infertility would cause insignificant rate increases for those that selected the coverage. I was shocked people were comparing infertility treatments to people seeking treatment after smoking or doing drugs for decades, saying both were choices and selfish ones at that. After reading all of this and very little support in the comments, I had a pit in my stomach which took days for me to reconcile. I had never expected that type of response and more than that I was sad at people's response and the way the world viewed my current experience. I kept thinking back to moment I held Jax for the first time. It's honestly an experience unmatched in my life (other than my wedding day) and words fail to express my happiness and gratitude for the gift of my child. Everyone has always joked that I was born a mother. I was glued to my baby dolls as a child, a regular babysitter and a baby hungry from my early 20's on. I always thought it could be my calling, but when I held my precious baby boy for the first time, I KNEW in my heart being a mother WAS my calling. So, at the end of the day, people can call me selfish or ignorant or whatever else they want to. My love for my future children, trumps it all. I will expand my family. Jax will have a sibling. And Jon and I will have another child to raise and love. I just want to fulfill my calling of being a mother to fullest extent we as a family are able to and that's just what we will do.

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