Monday, March 24, 2014

Tiny Moment - Spring Is On Its Way!!! Yay!!!!

Yay for spring!!! I know Utah is just teasing us and winter is not over and I don't care! I will take it! Happy sunny days are the best and the bubs emphatically agrees! :) And a sunny, semi warm day calls for a trip to the park.
It takes us a while to get to the park, especially when we find doggies everywhere! This boy, oh how he loves a doggie :) And if it wasn't a dog, it was a kid he had to stalk. Love him :)
Finally at the park. Walking up the fishes' back......all by himself!
Going down his favorite slide, the super high spiral. He has a need for speed!
On the big boy swing! He immediately wanted off. He can't go as high or fast and that was no bueno for him.
Jax made the cutest little friend (in the green shirt. I cut her out of the picture because I feel weird posting pics of other peep's kids without really knowing them). They decided to find a bar and swing off of it. Yes that my two year old swinging off the edge! :)
In his fav swing. Shockingly he wanted out to go slide. That never happens! I usually have to coerce him to get out! 
Wanted to climb everything because he is a big boy ;) 
Jax pushing the baby swing because mom was done and wanted to go home :) Every party has a pooper! :)

1 comment:

MaDeb or Deb said...

LOL... He is the little head butter! Even the swing. So cute, so busy and a bundle of love! Miss him and all his energy!