Friday, December 13, 2013

Tiny Moment - Sammy Brings What?

I have a very picky eater on my hands. Of course I do right...he's two. But combine that with his food allergies, I constantly worry that he is not getting enough of the right vitamins and nutrients. So naturally I put him on a multi-vitamin and calcium chew (which his pediatrician supported). Well lately, my little stinker sucks the sugar off the calcium chew, sucks on the multi-vitamin and then spits them both out! So frustrating....they are both a freakin' treat! 
Well light bulb! I decided Sammy, Santa's helper elf at our house, should bring his vitamins every morning. So far, so good. I've only found one mystery vitamin in his wagon. Let's hope it continues and then I will figure something else out for after Christmas. ;) 

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