Thursday, December 5, 2013

Start To A New Journey

After almost three months of putting off my blood work (for fertility issues and painful ovulation and menstruation) I went ahead with it. I know it must seem odd to hear that it took me three months to move forward to help look into an issue so close to my heart. Hopefully I can explain. It's actually a pretty reasonable explanation like most dragging feet situations. It came down to FEAR. Unfortunately, fear dictates a lot of what's done and not done in life and I fell into that all to familiar emotion. I was afraid of what they would find in addition to being afraid of what they wouldn't find. What if they find I am infertile? What if they find nothing and we don't get any answers and we just get stuck? What if Jaxson ends up being an only child? What if I can never have another biological child? As what if's/fear kept creeping into my mind in the dead of night, my insomnia & stress level reached an unhealthy point. This is when I put off my testing and took a break from the whole baby making idea, with Jon's blessing. Although he could never understand exactly where I was coming from, he saw the toll it was taking on me, month after month. He agreed that a break would be a good thing for my body and mind. So fast forward to this month, December. I knew that testing would be inevitable to see what's going on in my body and why after a a year of trying to conceive we still aren't pregnant. So, we agreed to bit the bullet, come what may. So here's to hoping for results....of what, I am not sure. 

12/13/13 Update: I received the results of my lab work. I had a borderline low DHEA (boo for early aging) and borderline high Prolactin (which has been high for at least the last five years). My other levels were within in normal and I did ovulate (Yay!). My doctor was not concerned with my out of normal numbers as they weren't extreme in the variance from the norm. So all and all good news. Next step is for Jon, which is a semen analysis. He is super duper excited about doing it into a cup! Ha! If that test comes back normal, we will proceed with a HSG (Hysterosalpingogram) test to check my tubes for any blockages and remove said blockages if minimal (major blockages would require laparoscopy). And if that doesn't work, well finger cross and we will go from there! Happy thoughts....happy thoughts....happy thoughts. 

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