Saturday, October 26, 2013

Tiny Moment - Just Another Saturday

This little guy is a stinker. He pushed me off the couch, smiled and then rolled off and continued to play with his car. PS do you see the middle finger pic?!!? Bahahahaha 
Oh the love for Mickey in our house is epic! Jax sleeps with his Mickey stuff animal every night and nap. Can't leave his crib without baby George and Mickey. And all day says "Mickey, me Mickey" because he wants to watch Mickey. :)
He then decided to use his apple straws as a whistle ;). 
And then a little ready, set, go action with the wind  up cars. 
Why is it so cute when Jax steals Jon's toothbrush and runs around with it? He even does a little dance when I sing his teeth brushing song (wish I would have gotten a video...maybe next time!) :) 

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